What is to be done (about Dave Loach)

2 min readFeb 24, 2021

In 2008, doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital bore witness to an astonishing event unprecedented in medical history. A woman in labour had arrived in the obstetrics wing and preparations were made for what was expected to be a normal human birth. To the astonishment of all present, however, an egg rather than a child issued from the birth canal. Thus the origins of Dave Loach, now 13-years of age, who was hatched rather than born and has remained an unnatural affliction on the world ever since.

The very existence of this notorious and relentless troll poses a question — namely, what is to be done about Dave Loach? I ask this question not as an attack but merely as a way to promote honest and open debate about an issue that many on the left appear to be in denial about. Indeed, if specters are a bad thing, then a specter is indeed haunting leftism. And that specter is Dave Loach. (If specters are good, then I would suggest Dave Loach is a poltergeist or goblin. If specters are neutral, I am not sure whether I should change this paragraph or not. Watch this space!)

Dave Loach is of course not literally a ghost. And I am not yet entirely sure what leftism is; nor what constitutes leftism, how one could be a leftist or where leftism originates. But I do know this: the lives of workers will be significantly improved if we can find a final solution to the Dave Loach problem.

I expect leftoids to be mad about this but please understand I am just writing this for my friends.

Not a leftoid in sight. Just workers and their allies

